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New Accommodation & Schoolrooms

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The original buildings of KCD Nunnery were built to basic standards, due to the limited finances and materials available at the time. Over time, these buildings have of course aged and weathered, and the nunnery population has increased. Many of the old buildings have suffered repeated damage from earthquakes and monsoon rain. As a result, the nunnery has recently completed the construction of a new accommodation block and school, built to modern building standards for improved sanitation, comfort and health. This building was made possible with the generous support of the international Kagyu community.  The nuns can now study and rest in well-ventilated rooms with good damp protection, modern plumbing and lighting. The new housing includes some rooms with ensuite bathrooms and space for a private kitchen, to allow on-site retreat for senior nuns. ​

The nuns hope to add a roofed pavillion on top of the new accommodation block to create more functional outdoor space, suitable for practical and recreation purposes in the rainy season. 

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